Monday, 7 December 2015

Pitch -(Planning)


The Escaped
Main Plot:
A girl running from something (unknown) in a deserted woodland area as it is turning dark.
This will be the main shot and will be shown mostly throughout the opening sequence. To go along with this we shall be adding cut scenes which will be very sorts creating the effect of flashbacks as if something terrific is as about to occur. We shall also include one scene showing what she is running from (bottom half of guy behind tree long knife). This will be shown around the beginning and will end with her running into him commencing the title on a black screen.

Our title sequence will be discrete meaning there will be no voices or dialogue. We have decided to go for an idea that its meant to in still panic in our audience.
Se7en has influenced our title sequence as it contains lots of eye catching edits. It also contains lots of flash cuts which is the idea we are going for. Another movie that influenced our decision was evil dead as it has a good story line and uses techniques such as flash cuts and discrete shots to create to build up tension and to shock the audience with what is about to happen.
We plan to conform to the normal horror stereotypes whilst trying to bring in our own perspective of what we feel a horror movie should be and what elements it should contain.

The genre we have chosen is horror as it will allow us to contain a variety of shots whilst keeping it interesting and relevant to the story we have planned
A title sequence in the same genre which has inspired me would be se7en again because of it's complexity and interesting title fonts and effects

props costumes etc
for props we have decided upon using a long bladed knife that the mysterious character holds also this mysterious character will be wearing baggy clothing. The main character's costume is just torn clothing that's a bit dirty from her escaping....

sound design
there will be no dialogue in our title sequence and most sound will be added after during the editing process where will create sounds using a home based software and pre-made sounds. we shall be using a mixture of diegetic and non diegtic sounds.this is because we want sounds like foot steps because it creates tension (diegitic) and a quiet backing track going along through the whole title sequence.

Our titles will look very faint and glitchy in order to go along with the short film and will also make the film very interesting to watch. It will have a sort of Gothic font as it is a horror we thought it would be best to use a font that also demonstrates that.At the point of editing we plan to integrate some the titles into the scene meaning some of the titles might look as if they are stuck on the tree.

A shot we definitely will be including is the shot of the mystery character behind the tree with his long knife pointing to the ground

Technology skills
Some of the technology skills that we have picked up on are learning how to use adobe after affects. We will be using this software to add the titles into our opening scene. Another program we have learnt to use is adobe premier and we shall be sing this software to organize our clips into a short film..

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