During this time, we quickly gained many experience in the time we had with our assigned group. Firstly, working with a group of people whom we only met 2/3 weeks ago. That was something which was challenging as you didn't know what experiences they had and what plans they had for the prelim. So working with a group of people whom I didn't know was a new experience because that way we had more than one idea for our prelim, where we could imbed all of our thought in one project.
Also deciding who had what role during the filming task. As some people in my group were able to use the camera efficiently, whereas others need more help. This was a good way of learning who was most comfortable in what area.
The editing task was a whole new experience, as we had to make the short film look good. In order to do this we used a number of editing software's, which made our movie look very professional. There were some people in our group were editing was their best skills so that was a good thing for our group, as we already had a lead start and made sure that things like, transitions from one scene to the next were smooth and clear and not bumpy and fast.
Whilst filming our first shots, we finalised what shots and angles would be incorporated into our title sequence, which would be useful and effective at portraying our ideas that we want to put across. We did struggle slightly with moving the camera with shots such as tracking and panning shots, however over the course of filming, planning and editing we intend to find a solution to problems with filming. All in all we learnt that things happening around us will limit us to how much we can do, these things include: time, sound, lighting, pedestrians etc.
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