Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Evaluation Q1


Our media product follows a strict title order of Production company, director, actor  then followed by production behind the movie and then concludes with the title. Reason for this specific choice of title order is because it works well with our genre horror. Our titles follow a similar order to insidious creating a dramatic entrance to the film.  We decided to make this our tittle order because of what we were trying to achieve which is the feel of build up and tension.  We knew from the beginning of this project that we wanted our titles to be in a set order of having the movie title at the end and production company at the beginning. This is quite a common order as its simple, easy to follow and leads into the rest of movie very well. So after deciding on our order we thought how could we effectively place these titles within our short film.
Our film shows a  lot of typical horror film conventions such as:

  • Flashback Scenes
  • Running scenes 
  • Isolated areas
  • setting (woodland area)
  • lighting (not natural)
  • Weapons
  • Main Character (Defenceless girl)
We chose to follow these specific properties of a general horror movie as it allows us to clearly show and put across what genre the opening scene was most effective. Using different props such 
We tried to go for the same effect as the horror movie seven and for this reason we chose to go for the flash cuts scenes in order to keep the movie at fast pace and flowing quickly.
Through out the title sequence the scene constantly changes and flickers from scene to scene keeping it interesting and new. There is a new clip every couple of seconds and this is what makes this title sequence stand out. Comparing our work to this for people who are new to filming we made an effort at switching clips and keeping it interesting. This definitely conform to the normal conventions of horror movies quick switches between scenes to create tensions and to build up suspense.

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