Monday, 19 October 2015



1.  Which 3 genres were most successful at the UK box office?

     1. comedy
     2. action
     3. animation

2. Which 3 genres were least popular or successful at the UK box office?
    1. fantasy
    2. war
   3. sci-fi

3. Which film genre had the most films released in 2013-14?
     The comedy genre had the highest amount of release in the year 2014.

4. How many films in this genre were made?
        -comedy= 153
5. How many animated films were made?
 33 animated films were made in the year 2014, and have proven to be quite popular as they have     proven to be one of the most successful genres in the UK box office.

6.  How many action films were made?

7. What does the information tell you about film production and film audience?


1. Which age group made the largest proportion of cinema admissions in the UK?


2. Which comedy film was most successful with this age group?
      -The Hangover, Part 3 was the most successful film with the age group 15-24.

3. Which film was most popular with the over 50s? What genre is this film?
      -Quartet, comedy.

4. Which genre was most popular with men?


5. Which genre was most popular with women?

6. UK films appealed to which audience type the most?

7.  Which 3 films were most popular within the 7-14 age group? What does this tell us about their preferred genre?

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