Monday, 5 October 2015

What is the purpose of a title sequence?- Task 3

What is the purpose of a title sequence and film opening?

A title sequence firstly and most importantly lets the viewers of the film know what the name is as well as introduces the main stars, the producers and directors of the film; this maybe combined with the introduction of the film such as using part of the film environment to create letters or pairing the typography with shapes and visuals from the film to have create the idea that the words are part of the film world. This is the very basic aim of the title sequence and opening however the sequence and opening fulfil other purposes as well as this.

Additionally, a title sequence sets a specific tone for the movie, creating a particular mood for the rest of the film by using a soundtrack that has a certain pace to it as well as what the viewer sees; this may be through presenting a character and them doing something as well as a setting and what can be generally viewed through the camera. The opening of a film foreshadows the events of the rest of the film and intends to create excitement for the viewer, letting them know of the story behind the action, characters, settings and props.

In Breaking Dawn Part Two, the title sequence is successful at providing casting and crew credits but using colours similar to the background of forests, landscapes and blood to make it seem like part of the film world. In addition, the movement of the camera across the visuals of the forests pairs with the deep and dark soundtrack. All this adds to the mysterious tone of the film. This is a good example of a title sequence and opening that sets and atmosphere and expectations of the rest of the film because it uses a discrete opening sequence to suggest the story that will unfold in the latter part of the film.

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