Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Genre Preferneces- Task 10

Genre preferences:

My top three genre preferences have got to be 
1) Rom com 
2) Thriller 
3) Action 

1)  Rom com:

The conventions of this genre are
-typical boy meets girls
-inevitable of the two characters in love to meet again
-often some sexual innuendos included involved in the script
-two protagonists being male and female
-often centred around the females side (her point of view or her story)

Film of this genre that i have enjoyed is 'Think like a man'. This movie left me in stitches with the story having a twist to it the girls in the relationship are the ones who are in charge. And begin to cause chaos which leads to consequences... The reason why I liked this rom com so much has got to be is because it was different not your typical in my opinion a rom com.

2)   Thriller: 

The conventions of this genre are
-single minded goals (main character wants to achieve this)
-use of urban areas, guns, car chase
-low lighting 
-face-paced editing

Films of this genre that i have enjoyed is 'Taken'. This is because the movie had a point. which was to find his daughter. With many hard obstacles along the way. The movie included main conventions of a thriller and it was very obvious, it did not drag on. 

3)    Action:

The convention of this genre are
-weapons: knives and guns
-Explosions and crashes
-Hi-tech machinery
-Killings of loved ones (deaths)
-massive destruction
Films of this genre which I had enjoyed were Fast and Furious 7 and Taken 3. I enjoyed Fast 7 so much because it had elements of everything, like romance, comedy and action. it didn't drag on and the genre was clear from the very beginning.

Taken 3

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