Thursday, 8 October 2015

BFI Research- Task 11

Genre and Audience Research

Genre- Chapter 4

  1. The three top successful genres in the UK box office are Animation, Comedy and Action
  2. The three least popular or successful genres are Romance, Documentary and War
  3. The fil genre that released the most films in 2013-2014 was Comedy at 135
  4. Animation films in the same year were 34
  5. Action films in the same year were 43
  6. This shows that in the UK these genres are the most preferred genres by viewers, Animations are favoured mostly by the UK public.

Audiences-Chapter 15

  1. 15-24 years olds make up the largest proportion of cinema admissions in the UK
  2. The most successful comedy film was The Hangover Part III
  3. Quartet as the most popular film amongst over 50’s in the UK
  4. For men Actions and Comedy films were most popular
  5. Whilst women favoured animations and dramas
  6. The most popular films amongst 7-14 year olds were One Direction This Is Us, Wreck It Ralph and Despicable me 2. As they are the part of the population that is underage the movies are well suited to their entertainment needs as they would likely be rated according to the age group e.g. U, 12 etc.
  7. For 35-44 year olds the most popular films were Frozen, Croods and Jack the Giant Slayer. These all fall under the genre of animations; which is a popular genre for younger viewers. Audiences between the 35-44 year old age bracket tend to be parents therefore the high popularity for animation films amongst this age group is probably as a result of parents accompanying their children to watch these type of films
  8. Django Unchained, Fast and Furious 6 and Rush were the most popular films form viewers age 25-34
  9. Middle class audiences favoured the films Rush, Gravity, and Captain Phillips -C1
    Also OZ the Great and the Powerful, Fast and Furious 6 and Despicable Me 2-C2
  10. In Scotland the most popular films were Filth and Sunshine on the Leith; both films are set in Scotland therefore may be the main reason as to why they are very popular in Scotland whereas in London the most successful films were Django Unchained and Fast and Furious 6 which are more internationally versed films.

What I found interesting In the BFI Statistical Yearbook

  1. Animations was the highest earning genre of 2013 with only 5% of it in releases although taking up 21% of the box office
  2. Even though comedy was the highest releasing genre in the UK at 22%, it was not the highest ranked in the UK box office at only 14%

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