Monday, 12 October 2015

The Title Sequence of Coraline - Task 8

The Title Sequence of Coraline
At the beginning of the film, it begins with a very eerie and slow soundtrack playing over. The first credit that is presented is the production company of the film, followed by the name of the film (Coraline). We then see the name of the actor playing the main character (Dakota Fanning) followed by the rest of the actors’ names. Initially the credits just appear one after the other against a red background which makes the title sequence seem simplistic. However, as the sequence further develops the camera follows a rag doll floating in the air and being sewed and transformed into a new doll. Simultaneously the credits continue to appear on screen on top of the doll which focuses the audience’s attention on the doll and the credits. They typography of the credits is very simple and does not do much to reflect on the movie but this could be as to not distract the audience so much from the other visuals which set up the storyline. In Coraline the type of title sequence used is a discrete title sequence as it is its own little story within itself. The camera follows a doll and its change in appearance by the long sinister hands. The visuals are disturbing and create a very small narrative before the actual film begins.
Starts off presenting the production and filming companies 
Uses a variety of camera shots and angles 
Close up shots of these elements of the sequence enhance the sinister tone that the film aims to set 

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