Monday, 5 October 2015

How can a film opening attract an audience? -Task 4.

How can a film opening attract an audience?

The key for a movie to attract as many viewers as possible is to ensure the opening to the film is exciting and unique so that it sets the standards. the opening to a film needs to be as intriguing and interesting as possible so that viewers feel as though they know what they are going to be expecting. This will allow the audience to set an expectation from the movie. The opening to a film needs to just about indicate to the audience the main character(s) in the movie and the genre of the movie, and things that will be happening in the movie,  For example if it is a horror/thriller movie there would be special effects and loud sounds being used in the opening.

An example of this is, in the movie Sinister 2. We know this is going to be a horror movie because the opening to the movie is set in a forest type location. There are four people hanging of a tree and as the branch of the tree slowly falls down, the people that are hanging from the tree slowly rise up this foreshadows maybe their lives are on a weighing scale.

The opening to a film is very important because if the audience do not like the opening to the film they may not be interested to carry on watching the film which will result in a unsuccessful film because the viewers do not approve. They would not be intrigued to find out what happens to the characters etc even if the movie does get interesting later in the film. So the opening to the film needs to be interesting it needs to be memorable so that when people watch it they are stunned and eager to watch the rest of the movie.

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